
Secure Your Files With Encrypted Cloud Storage.

Beeble Drive offers advanced solution for personal data storage and file sharing to safeguard your individual and professional digital assets.

Encrypted cloud storage
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End-to-end encrypted
Private cloud

Privacy-focused Cloud Storage and Backup.

Information is priceless, and its amount is growing rapidly every day. Beeble offers secure and reliable storage for your data.

billion people are using personal cloud storage solutions.
of businesses say they have multiple cloud service providers.
zettabytes of data will be stored in the cloud by 2025.

Secure cloud storage that gives you complete control and confidence.

In Beeble Drive, any data — be it photos, documents, music or family archive — is securely encrypted and protected from unauthorized access.

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Advanced file sharing with ease.

Share your data with trusted people in a simple and hassle-free way. Files and folders are accessible via a unique link over which only you have full control.

Secure Cloud File Storage
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Unbreakable encryption protects your data.

In Beeble Drive, each file is encoded with a randomly generated AES-256 encryption key which is subsequently protected by a private 4096-bit PGP user key. Each generated key is encrypted with a password that is known only to the user and all encryption processes take place on the user’s device.

security icon
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Up to 1 TB of encrypted storage and unlimited speed.

Access your files from anywhere and on any device. Freely manage your vault in the secure Beeble Drive with up to 1 TB of storage. Transfer any files with unlimited speed and without any transfer fees.

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Password-protected and self-destructing links.

Enhance the security of your shared data by assigning passwords to access links, ensuring only authorized persons can access your files. Safeguard your sensitive information by using self-destructing links to manage file access duration. Strengthen your data privacy measures and maintain control over who can access your files with our advanced security features.

Encrypted Cloud Service Login

Your files — your rules.

Have peace of mind. Your data is your property, which we protect with best-in-class technology.


Zero access to user files

In Beeble Drive, each file is encoded with a randomly generated encryption key that is protected by the user's password. Neither keys nor passwords are stored anywhere on the servers.


Send files of any size by email

Don't worry about size and limitations on email attachments. You can easily send big files to any recipient directly from Beeble Drive. Large files will be automatically attached as links.


Two-Factor Authentication

Protecting account and data access with 2FA is a critical element of web security. It immediately neutralizes the risks associated with hacked, guessed, or even phished passwords.


No cookies

Cookies are vulnerable to XSS attacks and may raise privacy issues due to their ability to track user behavior and preferences. That is why Beeble doesn't use cookies.


Use synergy of file and email management in one place.

Sharing information is more than just exchanging files. Increase your productivity by working securely with Beeble Mail.

1 GB free storage
Start using Beeble with free account and 1 GB encrypted storage.
File sharing
Easily share your files to anyone with full control and confidence.
Password-protected links
Improve file sharing security by adding a password to prevent unauthorized access.
Self-destructing links
Gain more control over shared files with time-managed links.
Cloud Drive and Email integration
Exchange files and emails in a single workspace. No need to switch between apps.
GDPR compliance
Beeble complies with European personal data and privacy protection standards.

At Beeble, we believe that


Why it's important to use encrypted cloud storage:

of data breaches involved data stored in the cloud.
of the world’s corporate data is stored in the cloud.
of people use cloud storage services to store photos.

Frequently Asked

What is encrypted cloud storage?

Data security and privacy are crucial in the current world of technology. Therefore, encrypted cloud storage is an essential measure that can assist in keeping confidential information secure not only to organizations but also to individuals. Out of the numerous available options, Beeble takes the lead as a premier provider of encrypted cloud service due to the unmatched level of safety and customer assurance.

Encrypted cloud storage is the act of saving information on remote servers hosted on the internet. To ensure that your data is safe and cannot be accessed without permission, Beeble encrypted email and cloud service uses an additional layer of encryption. This makes it different from other cloud storage options, which may not protect your information from being seen or stolen by someone who isn't allowed to have it.

How does сloud encryption work?

By converting data into ciphertext, cloud encryption makes it unreadable and scrambled. Users have their keys for this process. Decrypting the information requires these keys. Hence, authorized persons alone can access the data when it is encrypted before being sent to cloud servers and decrypted with appropriate keys when fetched from the cloud again – ensuring that only those allowed to see it.

Beeble uses end-to-end encryption protocol to keep information in cipher form at all phases of its life cycle – from upload to storage and retrieval. By using this strong encryption algorithm, all your sensitive information is kept confidential as it will not be accessible to any unauthorized user, providing you with the utmost security and confidentiality.

What are the benefits of an encrypted cloud?
  • Enhanced Security: With enhanced security, Beeble encrypted cloud service safeguards your sensitive information from unauthorized access or interception by encrypting data before uploading it to the cloud.
  • Privacy Assurance: Your data in Beeble's encrypted cloud storage is yours alone - nobody else can access it. Unlike other providers, Beeble engage in data mining or data access activities; instead, they concentrate on giving you storage and retrieval services that are useful to you.
  • Data Integrity: In terms of data integrity, Beeble encrypted cloud service ensures that your files are protected against corruption and remain unchanged while they are stored on the cloud. This is due to encryption.
  • Compliance Ready: For businesses operating in regulated industries or handling sensitive data, encrypted cloud storage by Beeble offers a compliant solution that meets the stringent requirements to protect data and privacy.
  • Flexible and Scalable: Beeble's encrypted cloud storage solutions are designed to accommodate the evolving needs of businesses and individuals. Whether you're storing a few files or terabytes of data, Beeble offers flexible and scalable storage options to suit your requirements.

Beeble is at the forefront of data confidentiality and security in the digital age, providing encrypted cloud storage that can’t be beaten. By focusing on what users want and using powerful encryption algorithms, Beeble gives people and businesses the confidence to use cloud storage without worrying about how safe their information is – because it’s committed to keeping everything private. Trust Beeble with your data – why settle for anything less secure?

Can I use Beeble for free?
Absolutely. You can create a free Beeble account. Once you would like to use our additional features to solve your tasks, you can choose any other suitable plan.

See you on the other side.

Our end-to-end encrypted email and cloud storage solution provides the most powerful means of secure data exchange, ensuring the safety and privacy of your data.

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